how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Beaufort Old Burying Ground

This is part of an 18 week, 7,532 mile, Vanabode road trip detailed in the book from Amazon
titled Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day for just $2.99
See East Coast Road Trip for more pictures, itinerary, maps and trip overview.

We head to the Old Burying Grounds in one of Beaufort's unique, ancient by American city standards, neighborhoods.

  beaufort old burying ground sign 1731

We walk to the Beaufort Old Burying Ground (1731 and older), a unique almost creepy but incredibly interesting tombstone laden treasure.

Above: Vaulted graves (not below ground level) have bricks installed over them to protect them from water and wild animals.

Beaufort Old Burying Ground main tombs and vaulted  plots

The northwest corner holds the oldest graves, with the earliest marked with shell, brick, or wooden slabs. Stone was too hard to get so they used these more primitive elements to construct and decorate.

incredible ancient ironwork burying ground

Above: I cannot imagine what it takes to create ironwork of this caliber without modern equipment.

1885 tombstone gabriel

Above: 1885 tombstone for Gabriel (born 1861).

locking device used back in 1829 to hold prisoners

Actual locking jail device used back in 1829 here to hold prisoners.

For thousands of unforgettable experiences on this affordable 18 week 7,500 mile road trip
Click to see the book "Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day"
from Amazon

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