california to oregon coast rocky beach picture

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Cayucos California Vanabode to Hearst Castle Pictures

Cayucos, Hearst Castle, Cayucos State Beach, Harmony, Cambria Pines Pictures  |  Travel Info

hearst castle in california neptune pool picture from our vanabode trip


We blew our entire days Vanabode budget here at Hearst Castle and you could spend much more by taking the other tours if you wished. Overall a unique experience with the closest thing to it that we have ever experienced being San Diego's Balboa Park, Los Angeles Huntington Library, and the historic missions in San Antonio.

If you can afford it come here for three consequetive days and take the three tours most intersting to you. It is certainly worth the price of admission.

looking out from one of the balconies at the hearst castle at the pacific ocean miles away was quite spectacular

Looking out from a balconies at the hearst castle at the pacific ocean miles away was quite spectacular. I was at first hesitant to come here and now I am so glad I did. Truly an extraordinary part of American and Californian history.

elephant seals on the san simeon beach in california

The Elephant seals on the San Simeon beach in California are quite noisy and fun to watch. We hung out here and shot video and pictures for about two hours and there were only about 20 others doing the same so it was not too crowded. There are posted wildlife signs that say to stay back or get fined so we did.

Click Heart Castle camping details for more information and pictures.

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