how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Grand Haven Michigan on $20 a day

This is part of an 18 week, 7,532 mile, Vanabode road trip detailed in the book from Amazon
titled Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day for just $2.99
See East Coast Road Trip for more pictures, itinerary, maps and trip overview.

We head to Grand Haven for the famous Light Show over the water. Downtown we walk nearly two miles along a boardwalk, which runs out into the lake as a jetty, and then ends with a large coast guard managed lighthouse called the Lighthouse Connector Park and fishing area.

lighthouse connector park grand haven

  coast guard stainless steel vessel at connector park in  Grand Haven Michigan inlet

Above: Coast Guard stainless steel mini ship passes us at connector park in Grand Haven Michigan inlet on a pleasant summer day.

Hundreds of people walk, fish, bike, and skate, the boardwalk and waterfront, but not one person is in the water. It’s fifty degrees in the lake, or inland sea, as those from other countries describe it. I like the view, but I suddenly miss Florida’s warm sunny Atlantic.

fishing from the lighthouse connector park pier grand haven

Folks fish from the Lighthouse Connector Park pier with it's pretty bold red (working?) lighthouse. You can see the clean beach from here on the right and on the left waterfront houses of the rich.

swing band plays the pier frontage in Grand Haven Michigan

Above: We board a boat tethered to the pier (see it on the far left) and talk with a retired man for an hour. He tells us how he parks his motor home at Elks Lodges, Moose Lodges, Shriner temples, and VFW establishments (then explains how he does it for free - see the book)

bands play waterfront before the Musical Watershow Grand Haven Michigan

Later that night at the pier, a yachtsman gives us three slices of pizza from a local gourmet Italian restaurant. We share the waterfront with hundreds of others. A five-person swing band plays music from the fifties and sixties. Retiree’s spin and skirt about dancing, bobbing, and weaving, fox trotting, and laughing at each other.

At ten p.m. just as most of the color leaves the sky, city officials launch a light-dancing fountain show across the inlet. Music blasts across the dark waters as geysers from synchronized water fountains shoot a hundred feet into the air, illuminated with multi colored LED lights. Party boats cruise by at the foot of the show, and kids squeal gleefully.

For thousands of unforgettable experiences on this affordable 18 week 7,500 mile road trip
Click to see the book "Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day"
from Amazon

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