how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Kings Canyon National Park Pictures

Maybe not as popular as its neighboring Sequoia National Park, Kings Canyon National Park is popular with the backcountry hikers. The scenery opens up here and there are beautiful meadows to hike through but you are still surrounded by granite mountains.. . . more on Kings Canyon National Park

Picture of meadows at Kings Canyon National Park


There are some terrific views of the Sequoia National Forest from the scenic byway and there are plenty of pull-offs to stop and enjoy the tremendous scenery. I found that in this part of the Kings Canyon National Park you can see some spectacular views just by stopping at each of the pullouts and without hiking too far.

Try the 5 minute walk to Roaring River Falls for sure. You will not be disappointed.

Kings Canyon National Park Picture

Picture taken from road while driving through Kings Canyon National Park

Picture of river in Kings Canyon National Park California

Travel 275 miles northeast from Los Angles to visit Kings Canyon National Park.

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