how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

La Jolla Beach Pictures

La Jolla Beach California, 2-5 June days   More Pictures  |  Map  |  GPS  |  More Information

Calling all beach swimmers, kayakers, surfers and divers, this is where you belong. This is a very friendly non-motorized water sport area. Walk a couple of blocks toward downtown and discover art galleries, museums, boutiques, and restaurants. This is truly a vanaboders paradise where you can enjoy the ocean by day, clean up, and walk the streets for entertainment at night . . . more on La Jolla Beach California

picture of the beach homes of la jolla

la jolla beach surfers picture

la jolla beach park picture

picture of park at la jolla beach california

Travel 12 miles north of San Diego to visit La Jolla Beach California.

Additional information on Silver Strand State Beach for scheduled visits during the grunion run.

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