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Muir Woods California

Muir Woods California, 2 Julydays   More Pictures  |  Map  |  GPS  |  More Info

We are at Muir Beach which is part of Muir Woods National Park. I do not recommend that you waste your time with Muir Beach unless it is extremely sunny and very warm. Otherwise, it is just a 2000-foot wide beach with a bunch of houses around and a few rocks offshore. It is not worth the drive or the crowds. There are a few fire pits. The park closes at 9 p.m.


Muir Woods is extremely peaceful and quiet with the exception of the animals in the woods. It looks like the hikes will be pretty interesting. We are here on a Thursday and so it is not as crowded as on the weekends when you cannot even find a parking spot.

It is very foggy, overcast, spooky looking woods; it looks like it will be very fun. I had so much fun here and one could certainly camp and hike for a solid 2 weeks and not see the same thing twice, though the terrain may be redundant at times.

muir woods heavy treed forrest pictures

We bought the annual national park pass and that afforded us the opportunity hike before the non pass holders hit the woods. The ticket booth opens at 9:00 AM and you can get a receipt to place in your car. Whereas with the pass we simply started hiking the woods at 8 AM ahead of everybody else. There is a café to eat at on the boardwalk from the visitor's center which did not seem overly expensive.

deer in muir woods picture

These trees do not compare to those in Sequoia or King's Canyon National Park, which are the largest in the world. Nevertheless, these trees are gorgeous, big, green, tall, towering redwoods that are definitely fun to hike in. Quite a bit of the beginning of the hikes is on paved ground so kids will have no problem walking in the forest. Anyone who does not like to walk in the forest can stop when the concrete ends and it turns into a dirt path. Muir Woods is the quietest forest I have ever been in. You don't hear birds, a twig snap, the wind blow; you don't hear anything up here but your own strained breath if y ou are hiking too fast.

We are headed up the coast on Highway 1 going to the Point Reyes National Seashore. You have to fuel up in the town of Point Reyes otherwise you can run out of gas driving around the sanctuary, especially if you burn fuel spending a couple of days in Muir Woods California.

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