how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Niagara Falls New York on $20 a day

This is part of an 18 week, 7,532 mile, Vanabode road trip detailed in the book from Amazon
titled Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day for just $2.99
See East Coast Road Trip for more pictures, itinerary, maps and trip overview.

We walk four blocks to Niagara Falls State Park to avoid the ten-dollar parking fee. Weird, large, empty Indian restaurants and huge but sparsely stocked Native American retail trinket shops line both sides of the street.


Jason and Kelly Odom at Niagara Falls on East Coast Road trip Vanabode style

Niagra Falls state park USA

Above: The Falls are astonishing. The viewpoint, the angles, the distance and the closeness, the height and the depth and the width, the color, the sound, and the sheer magnitude, all add up to more than I ever imagined. People say the Canadian side is much better, but I cannot imagine this. It is absolutely beautiful where I am. Those are people in the blue raincoats in the lower left hand corner (shows you just how big this baby is) and that is a HUGE cruise boat carrying hundreds of passengers in red in the water.

Niagra Falls state park United States

Above: Over six hundred thousand gallons of clean clear water per second rush over the cliffs and drop hundreds of feet into the chasm and lake below. We see the falls from dozens of vantage points but strangely it is never too loud.

niagara falls from the top

Above: Even when we are ten feet from the water she only hums. I am sure it is much louder down below, where spectators pay to walk out near the bottom in rented rain gear - below:

rented rain gear at niagara falls new york

Niagara Falls tour boats from above

Above: Giant tour ships ferry passengers from Canada (upper right) and America back and forth to various vantage points along the falls. The blue raincoats are necessary to keep your clothes dry.

Above: Cross this bridge to get into Canada but you better have a passport or you are not coming back. The refreshing cool mist drifts up and way out overhead then dissipates into the hot light blue sky. Thousands of people are here but it doesn't seem crowded, it’s just that big in Niagara.

For thousands of unforgettable experiences on this affordable 18 week 7,500 mile road trip
Click to see the book "Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day"
from Amazon

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