vanabode oregon open range picture live on $20 a day forever

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Austin Nevada to Square Mountain Oregon Travel Pictures

Austin Nevada to Square Mountain Oregon Pictures  |  Travel Camping Information

Picture shows the crazy wild mushrooms that were growing by the thousands from old cow manure spread all around this open range hideaway. This place was nearly perfect for Vanabode camping missing only a body of water to make it a long term hangout candidate.


The interesting rock formations, wide open range, and nice hiekable hill terrain make the Square Mountain area of Eastern Oregon an easy target for fun camping in the warm months. I have had so many misinformed people that have never spent any time in the desert tell me over the years that they could never live here because they need "green". Well get on it. The deserts of the United States are alive with life both extreme and simple.

wildflowers spring from the supple desert range in Oregon's  square mountain range

My wife loves to shoot macro closeups of the sweet details in life that a Vanabode camping style allows one to discover. Here, she presents a masterfull lovely set of wildflowers in the bright Nevada sun.

Click Austin Nevada camping details for more information and pictures.

This page is part of a 20 day, 2,866 mile, Vanabode trip.
See van camping Nevada Washington Oregon Canada for an overview of this particular trip.
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