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Oregon Coast Trip Pictures

Oregon Coast Trip Pictures  |  Travel Camping Details

What a fantastic trip we had along the Oregon Coast. We recommend traveling through the Pacific Northwest during the month of June. Not only did we experience great weather but the crowds were nonexistent. We were told that July and August are the busiest months and lodging during that time is more expensive too. Obviously we Vanabode so lodging is not an issue for us. However during this 20 day trip we stopped once in Bellingham, Washington before heading to the historically scenic Chuckanut Drive.

  sea anemone oregon coast picture

rocky creek scenic viewpoint oregon coast picture

Above: Picture taken along Highway 101 at Rocky Creek Scenic Viewpoint. This spectacular oceanfront park sits on a forested bluff overlooking the ocean. Offshore rocks are nesting areas for birds and sea lions as well as provide outstanding wave action during storms. You can also see gray whales during their spring and fall migration journeys.

oregon pacific ocean coast picture

Above:These are some of the birds we saw along the Oregon Coast from Astoria south to Florence at Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. Cormorants, tufted puffins, seagulls, pigeon guillemots, bald eagles, and peregrine falcons, as well as shore birds like sand pipers.

picture of tide pools along oregon coast

Above: Notice the couple in the distance, they are collecting mussels and clams. You do need a shellfish license but it's inexpensive and definitely worth it for the free food you are collecting and just the sheer joy of collecting your own mussels. What a great activity to do with your children too. You can collect up to 72 mussels per person per day. Lucky for us, mussels are exposed at any low tide and there are two low tides in any 24 hour period.

mussels during low tide along oregon beach picture

Above: At low tide the mussels, barnacles, sea anemone and starfish are exposed. There are no restrictions to walking around the rocks and beach surrounding the tide pools. Keep in mind, though, that the rocks are slippery and barnacles exists everywhere. If you have never been cut by a barnacle you won't quickly forget it especially if the cut gets infected.

oregon sunrise from beach picture

Above and below: Who says the west coast can't have beautiful sunrises. We woke up very, very early and walked down to Seal Rock State Park as it was still high tide. But within two hours we were walking around the tide pools taking pictures and enjoying the scenery. The park ranger arrived and was answering people's questions and offering information. A couple brought their dog to the beach get his morning exercise. Another family with children and a stroller eventually made their way down the rocky slope. But as quickly as people arrived and left the beach never seemed overly crowded.

oregon coast tide pool rock kelp picture

Above: Rocks glued with kelp is exposed during low tide. The sea life you will view in the tidepools are soft and spongy, hard and slimy and all sorts of weird shapes. Starfish can lose an arm and grow another one. All of the marine life along the coast that you see and don't see are extremely fragile. It is best to look and take pictures of these fascinating creatures but not to touch or remove from their environment, as it will quickly die and stink and won't be around for the next family to see.

Click Oregon Coast Trip camping details for more information and pictures.

This page is part of a 20 day, 2,866 mile, Vanabode trip.
See van camping Nevada Washington Oregon Canada for an overview of this particular trip.
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