This page I wrote for my old rv website before developing the Vanabode as the best travel vehicle for cheap easy long term road trips. People still like
big rv's despite the much greater cost and trouble to operate, so here's what I know about them.
30 Day Long Anniversary Gift
For our 12 year anniversary my husband Jason
thought the gift of time would be most appropriate for me. He decided
that for 30 days he is going to take me out for any activity I want every
day until I can't move anymore. Each morning I do one hour of aerobics
and after that we go till I can't go anymore.
April 11, 2007
One hour of step and plyo jumps and 25 minutes of upper body weight training.
Las Vegas Wash Trail - walked 1.7 mile
of paved trail and biked 5 miles off trail across the water and through
the brush. We got lost and had a security guard escort us off some county
Jason's thoughts - The most fun part for me was
trudging through the wash carrying the bicycles on my shoulder, icy cold
water, and mud up to the knee soil. Kelly's
thoughts - What a pleasant Spring day walking along the paved path
along the wash. Like Jason said, you can run around the path twice and
it will be a 5K. That is on my list to do another time.
April 12
One hour of kick boxing. As we were walking to Wal-mart to get a couple
of things the weather got really bad with 25 mph wind gusts and rain.
We didn't want to get caught in the rain coming home with bags of stuff,
so we turned around speed walking and running home. The rain started just
as we were entering our condo. Oh well, we did get in a 5 mile walk at
a very, very brisk pace. We showered and took a nap. We finally made our
three hour Sam's and Wal-mart trip later that day. That night we went
to the Stratosphere's new club, Poly Esther, and danced for a couple of
hours. We got home around 2:00 a.m.
April 13
We woke up late from going to bed after 2 a.m. Therefore, I just ran around
the complex 4.30 miles. We were having a friend over for lunch and I wanted
to exercise before I had to clean house and get ready for her. I am going
slow today, very fatigued, and don't want to do anymore. Jason smiles.
April 14
I worked out for two hours doing everything from, step, dance, high and
low impact aerobics, legs and glutes, abs, and stretching. We played tennis
for an hour.
April 15
One hour combination of step and plyo jumps. I am really tired from doing
a lot of aerobic activity and leg and glute work to do much else. Anyway,
it's Sunday, the day of rest.
April 16
We started our biking at the Green
Valley Ranch Resort and finished 18 miles later including round trip
on the Pittman Wash Trail. We stopped at a friend's house to have lunch
and jumped on their trampoline.
I said to Jason while biking "look how the pigeon's tail fans
out"...Jason was biking right behind me and said "Look whose
talking". Ha!
Jason's thoughts - My favorite part was the break
we took for lunch.
Kelly's thoughts - The Pittman Wash Trail runs
along an arroyo for 4 plus miles one way - hills included. I think this
is my favorite trail in the Valley.
April 17
One hour of leg and glute exercises. Jason biked while I ran 2 1/2 miles.
We went to the hot tub and laid out by the pool for about an hour. Later
on we went to the gym and I ran for 3 miles just before going out to eat.
April 18
I ran six miles while Jason worked out in the gym. This might not seem
like a far stretch for Jason going to the gym with me while he works out
too, but running one hour on a treadmill is not fun and with Jason working
out with me it got me through the hour. We then got in the hot tub and
then laid out by the pool for about an hour.
April 19
We rode our bikes 14 miles round trip to eat a free lunch buffet. Because
14 miles isn't enough, we went to the gym where I ran for 15 minutes and
worked on machines for 15 minutes. Then Jason went on to play tennis with
some guys who were going to be in a tournament over the weekend. He went
to bed early tonight.
Jason's thoughts - Wear a helmet there is lots
of traffic. Good free food.
Kelly's thoughts - A great idea to ride the bikes
to go eat but the fumes of the city were a little overwhelming. Unfortunately
this ride was not very scenic as we were mostly going through industrial
areas. Don't get me wrong, I liked the fact that we worked to get the
free buffet in our bellies, and I didn't feel too bad eating the gelato
knowing that I was biking another 7 miles to get home.
April 20
We walked 2 1/2 miles, doing an errand. I wore the 10 pound weight vest
and Jason carried 10 pound weights. I did 322 walking lunges. I should
make my goal 500 every other day, maybe every third day. I love walking
lunges, no really I do. It's Friday so, of course, we went to the movies.
Afterwards we went to a friend's house for dinner and games. Casey, her
11-year-old daughter, Skylar, Jason, and I played Truth or Dare. Only
Skylar and I picked dares so we had the most fun. I was dared to drink
vinegar and jump on their trampoline in my underwear. Of course I did
it, only because it was midnight. Skyler was dared to take in a mouthful
of chocolate syrup and toilet paper a neighbor's house. Then we ran all
around their house playing tag in the dark with the "it" person
blindfolded. This might not have been the most calorie burning day, but
it was a lot of fun.
April 21
Not much going on today. We made this our day of rest for the week. I
did burn calories preparing my lasagna for two hours, as we are expecting
company for an early Saturday dinner.
April 22
We woke up very, very late with just enough time to get ready for church.
Afterwards we went to the gym where I barely ran for 30 minutes. I am
bloated, stomach feels fat and crampy, knees hurt, and my hair wouldn't
stay out of my way. Later in the day I did arm and back with weights and
sit ups for 30 minutes. Jason better take advantage of these days when
I am not feeling my best.
April 23
It took me one hour to run 5 miles. That is not good for me but my body
just wouldn't go fast or longer. I struggled just to continue running
for one hour. However, I did change things up a couple of times - I ran
backwards at 3.0 mph for about 4 minutes each time. I like being able
to push my way through the difficult times while exercising. They definitely
are not fun but worth while in the end.
April 24
I totally got away without doing anything today. Sometimes those days
feel great. I really wanted to do some cardio because I know that it is
good for me, but I just let myself be lazy.
April 25
One hour of leg exercises with 10 pound weight vest plus an additional
10 and 20 pounds of dumbbells. Then we went to the gym and I used the
tread climber for 15 minutes and the elliptical for 10 minutes. Wow wee
woodle, only 25 minutes of cardio you say, but I don't chintz on my leg
exercises. I could barely walk back home and up the steps to our front
door. Jason was like, are you sure you are ready to go home so soon? Did
you get enough of a work out? Yes, trust me. Thanks for the concern though.
April 26
I really should have planned a mountain bike run this week. These days
are getting a little boring just exercising at home and then at the gym.
And, that is exactly what I did, again. One hour of step plus about 150
sit ups and then went to the weight room. We then sat in the hot tub for
a little bit and then laid out by the pool.
April 27
We had our friend and her son over for lunch. I love having people over
to socialize and feed them. Later on in the day we went to the gym and
I ran pretty hard with some hill work. We walked to The Palms and then
to The Orleans for a night of video poker - and won!
April 28
I don't like to plan anything on the weekend because everybody else is
out and bike trails are usually very crowded. Anyway, I felt like a homebody
today. I worked on copying some DVDs and before I knew it, it was 4:00
p.m. We did go workout at the gym because Jason made me, ahhh poor me.
I ran and then speed walked on an incline for 45 minutes. We tried to
go see Carrot Top but they were sold out so we just walked around the
Wynn Hotel and Casino.
April 29
Before church I rode the stationary bike and did some hill work. We then
went to the pool and I swam laps for 10 minutes. Got some rays for a few
minutes too. After church we went to REI to buy a tent and some camping
gear. Ate lunch at an Indian restaurant. Later that evening we walked
to The Orleans to win again at video poker.
April 30
Yummy, yummy, The Original Pancake House's Irish Omelet and Strawberry
pancakes. Where's the exercise? Oops. I was just having too much fun on
the computer, but we did play tennis for about an hour-and-a-half later
in the afternoon.
May 1
I started out with one hour of step. Afterwards I was hungry and mentioned
to Jason how yummy Chipotle sounded. I'm sure he thought about it before
he said it, but he mentioned that it was only 3 miles away. So I took
him up on it. We walked six miles total to and from Chipotle.
Jason's thoughts - A lot more fun than I thought
it was going to be. This is all part of the Manhattonization of Vegas
where you don't really need a car to get around the greatest city in the
U.S. We were at the heart of the strip in one hour. Oh yeah, a bum left
me a digital video camera case.
Kelly's thoughts - Again, I like working for my
food. This was a really good walk even though, like the 14-mile bike ride,
it was on main roads with lots of traffic. No matter what time of day
or night it is here in Vegas you will always see people walking. I like
pedestrian cities.
May 2
Supersets first thing in the morning for an hour. I then ran for 20 minutes
and speed walked for 10 minutes on an incline. Afterwards, I worked on
leg presses, leg curls, and leg extensions heavy weights and high reps
for another 20 minutes. The cool pool is what I need next. Later in the
afternoon I danced around for about 20 minutes to some new music I downloaded.
May 3
Jason doesn't really have to go too far to get me tired from too much
exercise as I tire myself. I exercised for one hour early this morning
doing step and hi/low aerobics along with some lunges and a lot of sit
ups. We played tennis for about 45 minutes and then crashed by the pool
for 30 minutes. I could barely run for the ball while playing tennis.
I think the last few days has caught up with me. I am definitely taking
a nap this afternoon.
May 4
Well, the only exercise I got was walking up and down the steps going
back and forth to the van packing it with clothes, camping equipment,
bike rack and bikes to go camping with some friends in the mountains east
of Cedar City, Utah. Unfortunately, it was 32 degrees and snowing in Cedar
City so you can only imagine what it would have been like 8,000 to 10,000
feet up. And, because we do not have a 4-wheel drive or snow chains there
was no way we were going to take any chances. Therefore, since the camping
trip was called off, Jason and I decided to go to Death Valley; no chance
of snow there. We came home to get Bugsy but before we took off we just
had to eat Thai food. Then our other friends, Kiki and Mark, Vegas entertainers,
called us and wanted us to come over for some gifts and wine. So we did
and ended up staying the night.
May 5
Off to Death Valley. We did some hiking but really not much exercise to
speak of during our three day trip to Death
Valley National Park. You can almost enjoy this park from your car,
especially the backcountry driving.
Though, the best way to see the more unique areas of Death Valley is to
get out and hike into the canyons.
Jason's thoughts - Shot some cool video.
Kelly's thoughts - I cannot believe we didn't
make this trip sooner. What a really beautiful national park. The mountains
and colors change with every mile.
May 6
I am just going to have to extend these 30 days a little bit to make up
for the lack of extreme exercise we are suppose to be doing everyday.
May 7
We took a nice four mile hike on the Gower
Gulch Loop as the sun was coming up. Drove on Badwater Road heading
out of the park. We stopped at China
Ranch Date Farm before heading home.
May 8
Mountain biking on the Six Tunnels trail at Lake
Mead National Park. We did try to bike along the water but the beach
was thick with mud. I talked to a park employee and he said that they
are in the process of building a paved trail from Lake Mead to Red Rock.
Parts of the trail are finished here and there in different parts of the
valley but the process to get them connected is still in progress. The
trail is for walkers, runners, bikers, and skaters only, no motorized
vehicles. When we got back home I took two hours to wash and clean up
the van and bikes from all the dirt plastered to them from the last four
May 9
Well, maybe tomorrow I will get back in gear with my exercise. You know,
as much as I love to sweat, exercise, burn calories, and feel good about
myself, sometimes its just too easy to not do anything. I will have to
force myself to get off my lazy butt tomorrow.
May 10
Tomorrow is here. Lazy again. I am going to pay for doing nothing I can
just feel it.
May 11
One hour of step with 2 minutes of plyo jumps every 10 minutes. 20 minutes
of ab work standing and lying on the floor. I wore the 10 pound weight
vest to walk 2.25 miles to the bank and included 240 walking lunges. Now
that is what I call going all out after a weeks worth of practically doing
nothing. At least that is the way I felt about it. In reality, it was
not nothing but something and something good.
Kelly's thoughts - Ouch! There is no feeling like
post-exercise fatigue trying to make up for lack of exercise.
May 12
One hour of aerobics including step, lunges, squats, arms, and abs. Ten
minutes of running in place, side kicks, and jumping jacks. Later in the
day Jason and I played tennis for about an hour. Afterwards I jumped rope
for 500 reps. Ouch Ouch!
May 13
I ran 4.5 miles while Jason biked along side of me. Yoga for 20 minutes.
After a long nap we played tennis and then Jason played tennis with another
person at the courts while I speed walked 2 miles around the complex.