how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

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"I really liked your Vanabode Book. I do like the book from a survival aspect. What to do when you hit rock bottom. Sure is good advice how to live as simple and meagerly as possible while still having a fulfilled life. Mitigates the fear of losing it all away for someone like myself who enjoys his toys and possessions. I did enjoy reading your book. Regards." Jeff

"Hello Jason, Thank you very much for your excellent and informative book. I enjoyed reading it. I want you to know the reason I purchased it is that your website recommends a relationship with God. This is the most important thing. Thank you for your wonderful and clear gospel message at the end of your book. I pray it touches many and that many give their hearts and lives to Christ because of it. When I was 22 I lived out of my car for a summer and it was a delightful adventure. I had a car cover, gym membership, good job and I was saving to travel, which I did after selling the car to a coworker. I'm a mainstream middle class married mom, but when my sons graduate college I'd like to organize a van set up like you recommend for travel and outdoors purposes. I'm open to all possibilities. Thanks again and a belated Merry Christmas. Your bunny rabbit won all our hearts with his fluffy cuteness. He is the star of your book! = )." Colleen, Denver

"Thanks again for this great resource. I have a 1986 Dodge Class B High top named Gladys that I bought for $1600 a few years ago and take mostly to music festivals and beaches close to where I live in North Florida. I am planning more extensive van life in the next few years, but will be trying for a little more fuel efficiency -- Gladys is a lovable vehicle, but she only gets about 6 miles to the gallon!" Julie Hauserman

"Hey Jason; thanks for the copy of book. I had to have my nephew set my computer to receive it. I'm looking forward to the Vanabode life style. I just retired, looking at a van. Though I still have a mortgage, I'll try shorter travels, while gaining knowledge and experience with your book as a guide. I appreciate your thoughfullness on the spiritial aspect side. I wish to be on your email list. thanks again" Jack.

"Hi Jason, I needed information on low-cost RV camping, and although your book isn't geared specifically towards that, I read the sample available on kindle fire, really liked it, then bought it the full version. I'm so glad I did! I am a 51 yr old, newly single woman. I just lost my job, and plan to spend much of the next several months traveling in a used RV, visiting family and friends, and seeing as much of this beautiful country as I can using my unemployment benefits, my savings, and the tips and techniques in your book. Who knows, I may NEVER go "back to work"!! Thanks for your advice, and the confidence it's given me to turn this "setback" into a real opportunity. Cheers" Susan

"J: I am very impressed thus far. I am a 43-year-old, divorced father of a 10-year-old boy. He lives in Austin, Tx, I live in New Orleans; and I desire to camp and spend much more quality/quantity time with each other. Your words and Vanabode lifestyle touch me deeply. Our lives are meant to be happily spent in the loving graces of God's Universe--i.e., the Great Outdoors. I spent time in the U.S. Army and have camped and lived in tents (Gulf War part 1 in Saudi Arabia), barracks, under the stars, substandard conditions, etc. I also, have lived and spent time in the Western US (Colorado, Oregon, Washington, California) and the
City of Lost Wages-Nevada, ha! May the Brightest of Blessings Hold and Keep You and Yours as we leave 2012 and venture forth...Peace Be With You" Butch

"Please put me on your mailing list, and your book feels like I wrote the philosophical positions. Spooky great job. Thanks." Brian

"Hey Jason ~ First of all, I would just like to say that I am so very happy to hear that you are living the lifestyle that you are! I sincerely wish more people were doing the same and hopefully, with your book, as well as other like-minded people out there, more people will "figure it out" and get on board!!!! I just turned 62 years old a couple of weeks ago. I am disabled, not terribly, but enough to keep me from working. I only receive about $700 a month to live on and am currently living with one of my daughters. I have not worked in four years and am, quite frankly, going stir crazy! I spent the majority of my life as a single mom, working any job I could, just to barely make enough cash to meet our basic needs. At one point, I decided to go to school to earn a degree in graphic arts in an effort to try to better our lives. While attending school full-time, I also worked two part-time jobs just to stay afloat, only to graduate and find that I couldn't afford to wait long enough to gain enough experience to actually make the wages that would support us. I ended up going back to waiting tables, because that paid the bills. Please bear with me, as I am trying to make a point or two. =) I am most definitely a gypsy at heart and have spent most of my life dreaming of traveling and spending much of my time in nature. (Driving, traveling, and nature are three of my top five favorite things to do in this world!) For the last couple of months, I have been spending a lot of time on youtube researching vans and people who are 'vanaboding'. "Vandwelling Woman" is my favorite youtube videos because the lady just has the absolute best attitude! I want to do exactly what you and your wife are doing. I truly appreciate your time and I'm looking forward to hearing from you." ~ Mary

"Bought your book off Amazon tonight, just what I was looking for but didn't know it! Thanks for unlocking my chains and setting me free!!! My life is about to change thanks to you, so today you've earned one gold star on your Karma record." Thomas from Juneau, Alaska

"What a book! I can tell you are really committed to the lifestyle and I envy you. My wife and I are wanting to do something similar before we are too old to move at all and your book has provided much of the info we needed to plan it. We are in our late 60's and have always enjoyed traveling, but now that we are retired we wondered if we could afford it. After reading Vanabode I know we can. One thing I found right away in your book that altered our thinking was the type of vehicle we should be looking at. We've been spending a lot of time looking at class C and class B campers, but I can see now the benefits of going the way you suggested. Add us to your list for any update emails as well as future books." Bill and Joy Weekley

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