Readers Thoughts on Vanabode PAGE 7
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"Hi Jason. I purchased your book a couple years ago when I was first
planning my escape from the working world, and today I put in my letter
of resignation at work :) I've got a dodge van, and I recently found a
wonderful woman who shares my dream of a life of freedom. I am very excited.
Thank you for the information and inspiration in your book. Please add
me to your email list. Where can I purchase
the solar oven that is featured in your book? thanks again",
Jesse Grimes
"I bought your book a couple years ago now and still love it! I'm
"this much closer" to getting my van. I have a friend who is
ready to buy his van too. Fun stuff. Don't forget, I want a copy of your
updated book when it comes out!" Misty S
Jason, Vanabode refocused me in the near here and now. Good writing,
really. Thanks for the Thermal
Water URL´s! GR8 stuff! I have had people calling me a "Hotspringfreak"
for a decade (my pic is in a Jason Loam/Marjorie Gersh Hotspring book)
and actually my parents took turns carrying me to hike-in hotsprings as
an infant, wrapped in cloth to carry like a Mayan kid. Awhile back, living
on the Upper Amazon in Peru it occurred to me that (at age 63) until then
I had never lived more than a half-day from a hotspring ... I got your
book Vanabode and liked it so much I sent it to a couple travel blog pro
friends of mine. Andy Graham, The Hobotraveler blogger and a long-time
friend is about to leave the Dominican Republic to Van through about 30
States so I sent him a copy. Bill and Akaisha Kaderli of Retire Early
Lifestyle, Billy used to be a Van tramp, driving down from the States
when in his 20´s, hahah. I think I got him. I meet plenty of people
from the North or South in places like Central America driving their Van´s
long distance - from Argentina to Mexico or Canada and the States through
Guatemala to Panama and such. Guess I will be Vanaboding sometime this
year. Please write a book about heading South through Mexico and Central
America... You might have to sub-title it "...On $10/day". Chris
"Hey man, I'm getting a lot out of your book; I'm a bookscout in
real life, and am now considering taking
the whole thing mobile. Sorry for the slow response to your gracious offer
of a refund: (I'm the guy that bought the $27 version off your website)
but I've been away from my computer, and your book gave me exactly
what I wanted anyway, so no need to do anything like a refund
for me :) I'd love to be able to travel AND scout books for a living,
and I can see how it just might work with the lessons you've given me.
Thanks for all you've done for the practicing and preparing Native Nomads
out here and beyond." Webb M. Colorado Springs
"I have finished Vanabode now...amazing read, thank you so much
for penning it. After almost three years of working in an office environment
(rat race, really) and hating it, I am done with consumerism, corporate
life, and feeling like my one or two-day weekends are way too short. I
want to travel, write, and take photos of this great country...and Vanabode
is the perfect answer I've found!!" Kyla
"After seeing your pictures, I believe this is possible, that your
ideas are probably very do-able. I'm a road cyclist, I have ridden across
NC, around Lake Tahoe, and have one century (100 miles in one day) under
my belt. This is SO right up my alley. Only reservation is that I'm single,
and I'm sure it's more fun for a couple than a woman with a kitty? I also
have a friend Heidi, who, (must be related to you somehow) rode her bicycle
from NC to Alaska and back, by herself. She wrote about the best public
bathrooms (like McDonald's vs. Burger King) which had more room to take
a facecloth bath with soap and water, etc. So I am already prepared, to
a point, with these even better ideas in your book. Thanks so much for
putting your effort into this. This is even better than getting the Congress
to stop voting on their own pay raises, etc. Way better" Cyndy
"Hi Jason. Please add me to your email list. I'm half way through
your book now and will be going back through it numerous times afterwards,
I'm sure! I'm thinking Vanabode could actually work quite nicely in conjunction
with my tiny house (yet to be built) and then have the added flexibility
that Vanabode provides. I'm smiling as I write this! Your message is very
true about "our" fixation on accumulating material things and
the difference in what it is that we are really seeking to be happy and
fulfilled." Deb
"I bought your book on my kindle; have probably read it over 15
times. I'm now a huge fan. Finally opened a savings account to buy a van.
Had already planned to get same van to haul one of my trailers and use
for weekend getaways. But you took my thinking "outside the box,"
and I am SO grateful. I've been trying to find a way to get on the road
for fourteen years, since my husband passed. At last, I see a day that
will actually happen, as I CAN afford to "vanabode." Carole
"Jason !!! I been wondering how I'm going to Fla. from N.C. and
I have a disability that keeps me from sitting and walking for very long.
I'm reading your book and it gave me the answer." Ronnie Rhyne
Greetings Jason! I was getting ready to purchase a Class A, -had- it
all picked out. Then you came into my life. I built conversion vans back
in the early 70s, most Dodge Tradesmans, remember those? .....every
hippys dream. Last Sunday night I was surfing Amazon and came across
your book. As a former RV dealer, and lifelong wanderluster, dreamer,
and entremanure from Wisconsin, I am very much looking forward to finishing
your book. Alfred Voll, Rockton, IL
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