Readers Thoughts on Vanabode PAGE 6
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"Jason, I am from the UK and have just bought your book and you
and I are one of a kind. I am coming 69 yrs so well retired now and I
get to do trips. Your book has come at the right time for me as I have
been intending to do what you are doing for some time now. I have had
two purpose built motorhomes in the past and a van fitted out by myself.
When I fitted out mine, I put insulation on the side and roof which made
it cozy when cold and cool in summer which was a bonus when we had dogs.
With the curtains shut it stayed pretty cool inside which allowed us to
go shopping together or to places where dogs are not permitted. In Scotland
wild camping is allowed providing you use the usual "leave only your
footprints" behind. I can use much of your tips in your book here
and intend to do another van out in the next month or three. I found that
factory built campers have quite a few problems with them and so fitting
one out myself I can do it how I want, plus I can get more for the vehicle
when I sell it than when I bought it. Anyway enough of me blathering,
Well done you and forget the critics. Regards." Charlie Hobson
Leeds Uk
"I am in the process of strategic default on our home that has lost
half of its value. I am the happy wife of 13 years to **** and who loves
homeschooling our 3 boisterous boys. The real reason for our default is
we are now living paycheck to paycheck because of the inflation of food,
fuel and utilities. We are going to sock away the money from not paying
our mortgage payment to pay cash for a used 5th wheel to live in while
we build up enough cash to buy a rural acre or two and then build our
own debt-free home (using strawbale or cordwood construction, energy efficient,
not too big). I am so fed up with debt. My hubby actually loves his job
and can't imagine quitting so we will not be traveling far and wide anytime
soon but we will certainly take your advice about living a wonderful and
adventurous life, locally using the Vanabode strategies. I really like
what I have read so far and I really like your writing style. Thanks."
Anonymous in Michigan
"Hey man, I'm getting a lot out of your book; I'm a bookscout in
real life, and am now considering taking
the whole thing mobile. I'd love to be able to travel AND scout books
for a living, and I can see how it just might work with the lessons you've
given me. Thanks for all you've done for the practicing and preparing
Native Nomads out here and beyond." Webb M. Colorado Springs
"I finished your book and thank you for all the advice. I am going
to do everything you wrote about. Thank you" Mike
"I just found your book on the Internet last night, bought it,
and stayed up until after midnight reading the whole thing. My wife and
I are preparing to make the change to a van-dwelling lifestyle this spring
or summer and your book was helpful. I lived in a van once years ago but
it was an unplanned "adventure" that was far less comfortable
than it could have been. Anyway, thanks for a great book!" R.
"I'm living out of my Mini van in Grande Prairie, Alberta, just
finishing up 4 months working out on the oil fields to replenish the treasure
chest and then back to the nomadic freedom of VANABODING! I'll be exploring
the Canadian Rockies and the West coast in a week or so. SPRING IS ALMOST
I've been happily using many of your techniques (I even have a fishing
vest like you suggest to carry necessities around and toiletries into
washrooms!) and I'm free to live a life that fascinates and amazes many
friends and family members! Thank you VERY MUCH for such a GREAT book
to the Mrs. from a fellow VANABODER" - UPDATE = "Hi
Jason; I'm in northern Alberta working in the oil patch earning my yearly
financial requirements to live the other 9 months as I please. This is
possible to a large extent by using my minivan as a place to sleep in
addition to transportation. People who know I use the van to sleep often
ask "How can you LIVE in a MINIVAN?!" and I simply reply, "
I don't LIVE in the van, I SLEEP in it... I LIVE in the WORLD." On
my days off ( 6 in every 21) I drive to the rocky mountains via either
Jasper or Banff and enjoy spectacular mountain vistas pure fresh air and
a daily soak in hot springs. A beautiful life!
The 2004 Ford Freestar mini van is a work in progress and a great test
platform for my on going stealth WINTER camp and travel experiment. I
have even cooked wonderful meals outside with my pressure cooker and propane
single burner. All this in an experiment in voluntary simplicity to see
what I really NEED and what I can do without in order to free up time
to pursue other interests. The ability to spend time the way I please
is one of my definitions of a WEALTHY LIFE. The van is burgundy, all stock
with absolutely no distinguishing features and blends in ANYWHERE. A clean
suburban soccer mom van. The inside just behind the front seats however
has been gutted, insulated (windows blacked out) and after a couple of
experiments with heat sources, I've now settled with a built in espar
forced air heat that runs on gasoline right from my gas tank and if I
can locate a place to plug in, I use a little 1500W electric heater that
cycles on and off with a thermostat. All works great. I am however...
I have fried another lap top so I anxiously await the link to your latest
addition of Vanabode as my previous link is lost ( for the second time).
Thank you in advance Sincerely" R. Ven.
"Like your Van Book, reading it on my laptop. Soy uno Gringo de
Estados Unidos vive en Sud America (Argentina). Will get a Van by the
time I work my way back up to Mexico or the States. Your ebook is inspiring.
Thanks!" - Chris Smith
"My name is Joe, I currently work 60 hours a week as a restaurant
manager and I hate it. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to have a good
paying job, but I want to be free. I am educated as a creative writer,
and I have many manuscripts written. However, I need time to properly
format and edit my work for publishing. This lead me to search for a method
of freeing up my time in order for me to commit 12 hours per day towards
my writing. Someone recommended house sitting, but I immediately found
that all of the decent positions get taken quickly due to stiff competition.
I found your website recently, and consider your book my final shot at
freedom. My dream is to be able to live in Big Sur, California, and have
all the time I need to write my screenplays and books while watching the
sunset over the ocean everyday. I would gladly live in a van or even a
tent to have that opportunity. Well, hopefully things will fall into place,
and I will definitely keep in touch. Thank you for all of the useful information."
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