how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

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"Even if you don't care to live as minimally as Jason proposes, the book gives you a basis for what can become a fundamental redirection of your attitude toward our materialist existence. The book is far more than an instruction manual. I highly recommend the book." Jimbo from an Amazon review

"Your book is like a bible for me. It's very informative & I learn a lot from it. Couldn't appreciate you more for all the continuous patience & support. Most other vendors don't do that after the sale. Thank you again" Lisa Marie

"Mr. Odom really gets you to take a look at your life, and then just when you think you are going to be depressed, he shows you how to have it all. . . even on a budget that seems impossible"
Charlie Stevens born in Huntsville Alabama

"Hi Jason, I don’t know if you’ve been following our blog at all, so I just wanted to be sure to “check in” with you and let you know that Vanabode started us out on a great adventure, and we have had a BALL! Thanks so much for giving us the encouragement to do this. We put on 16,000 miles last year and are starting around the US again by going to Florida first, like we did last year. We’d love to hear what you’ve been up to also. We’re at Flamingo Campground in the Everglades right now, which has phone but no wifi, but I’ll send this when we get back to Homestead. We spread the word about Vanabode wherever we go! Thanks again!" Bonnie Joyce

"WOW! I am actually putting more money away while having the time of my life cruising the country than did while at my boring job back in Nebraska. Thanks for showing me how to do it" Steve Allistair

"The best little travel book I have ever read" Gertrude Anniston from Brooklyn

"Van versus RV - I agree totally. We get 7 miles to the gallon and have very limited places to park. Problem is it is paid for and it is our home for now. It cost $25.00 a day in fuel if were not moving just for the generator, all electric coach. God forbid we move.... more $$$$ of course. Fortunately, our motorhome is mortgage free. Unfortunately, we have no income now. If I can just make $2000 a month on the internet, we could live like you do. We lost 19 houses. If we knew what was going to happen, in 2006 we should have sold the houses and our 3 businesses and retired forever, we owned so much we could have. We didn't instead we tried to hold on because everybody thought "things will get better". We ended up loosing everything practically and using up all our our savings trying to keep from foreclosure. In which we did, but hind sight, I should have kept the savings and let them foreclose on all of them. Years ago I used to scuba dive and catch all my own fish for my huge fish tanks. They were beautiful and I enjoyed them so much. I was in a rush one day and really knew I didn't have enought time to clean the tanks properly. I replaced the dirty water I took out with the new water to fast. I noticed one of my fish was having problems as I got ready to leave. Just before leaving I checked on him again. 4 more were in trouble. I changed my plans and spent the next hour trying to fix what I had done. Over the next 5 hours I sadly watch every one of those fish die one by one. That is the same feeling I had when we were loosing everything we owned. I tried so hard to fix what was happening but I just couldn't no matter what I did. We used to be the couple in the family that everyone came to for advice. Now we shy away from seeing family and friends because Im ashamed. We used to hold our heads high and were proud. Now I have no self esteem left. Especially after this last year. We worked for a company based out of Brandon, FL. We worked from 7am till usually 11pm, many times until 1am in the morning. They moved us around so fast our heads were spinning. We were in almost every state E. of the Mississippi, but I can only tell you what their interstates and parking lots look like. The 4 or 5 times we took off last year, we were so exhausted that when we tried to have fun, we were dragging and exhausted TRYING to have fun because we finally took off from work and we were supposed to be having fun. It was awful. Turns out we made great money for the year, but it was all spent on fuel for the mileage and generator. It was insane moving every 2 or 3 days, 50 - 300 miles. Crazy... Im glad that is over. Oh my gosh - - - Of course I printed out your book an now it has pink highlighter all over it, excerpts I want to read to my husband. YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!! It really doesnt matter what we own as long as we are happy. I truely love my husband but have not had time to give him attention, REAL attention for years. I am so tired by the end of the day, that when he an I do get together, it is more of a job than a pleasure. I understand what you are saying... I have to change. Greed, exactly, that is why we went broke!!! I haven't realized until 2 weeks ago that I have not looked up at the stars for years. The other night I was getting in the motorhome and happened to catch a glimpse of the sky and the stars. I couldn't even explain to my husband the feeling that I felt at that moment. Your book on Affluenza - hit it on the head. Bob & I recently were talking about borrowing money from the bank to stay here in Florida and change our life, him going back to truck driving, which he hates because were not together. What are we crazy???? Stay stuck in a place we dont want to be in....As of now - we only owe 1,500 on our credit card, own the motorhome free and clear and the rest of our junk that we have in our trailer (garage). If we do need something we go to goodwill or a thrift store. Thank you for offering to help me. You have no idea how much you have already helped us with your book. I also want you to know that I have not gone outside and sat down and looked around in about 5 years. In order to read your book I had to make myself leave the computer and not look for anymore jobs, and I went outside and read your book. THANK YOU FOR THAT. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WONDERFUL YOU MADE MY DAY. I sat there reading my book and my husband cleaned the motorcycles, the birds were cherping, the weather was beautiful and the sun shined on my (caspers the ghost) skin. You and your wife really have a great life. Talk to you soon! Thanks for the help." anonymous please

"We are already getting rid of our junk and have made immediate plans to camp Northern California. Thanks for the battle plan, without this book we would have never been motivated enough to do anything" Tonya and Louis in LA

"Absolutely adore your book I just purchased off Amazon. I'm from Alaska and in the process of converting a van this winter to head out in april. I never realized how many resources are made available for this lifestyle and I'm so thankful you have taken the time for the book." P&L Cait

"Your short chapter entitled "We Never Own Anything" was revolutionary for me. It was like someone slapped me in the face, and after I got up off the floor I saw a new, more colorful world open up in front of me, a world with so many more possibilities. Now I am halfway through my first of many 6 month holiday vacations using your book" Marketa in Singapore

"If enough people embrace Vanaboding it will change the health and climate of America for the good, forever" Thomas Kinsey, Boise

"The first book I have ever bought that totally delivered. The chapter where you showed people how and where to find work while they are traveling was worth the price of the book just by itself" Todd in Oregon

"I have been van camping for years but this book really helped me. I thought I had it down pat but his helpful chapters on time management, staying in big cities undetected, and saving money were worth the price of the book times ten!" Andy Brewster camping all over Canada

"Astonishing book and love the forum" Robert from Wisconsin

"How many books have you ever bought that showed you how to get out of debt, travel AND find a job while doing it? This is crazy, but I'm on board now baby and loving it" Eileen Mathews in Detroit

"I got 15 years worth of HIS experience for a few dollars. I was able to make a HUGE change in my life for next to nothing. Now that is smart shopping" Abigail Sinclair the "coupon clipper" from Wellington

"I was skeptical at first. I mean can you really travel the US year after year living in exciting new places of your own choosing, pay your way and live comfortably? Well that's exactly what he showed me how to do, and I'm doing it" Stanley Gootney in Atlanta

"This book is worth every penny"Jack Worst, Hamilton Beach

"I love how he gives you the total picture realizing that not everyone wants to hike the Grand Canyon for a year. Instead he shows you how to camp off the grid for a month in a beautiful place of your choosing, then spend a month living it up big city like in Las Vegas and San Francisco. Now that's variety!" Tammy out of Branson

"This book is a perfect balance as it provides both practical "how to get it done" information alongside dreamy romantic tales of pleasures for the modern man (use this if you want to)" . . .
the Artist in Taos: not THAT artist…ha

"Vanabode is for all of us who want to travel more but cannot seem to make it happen" Greg in Viera

"I've wasted many hours, sometimes days at time, reading over rv websites trying to figure out how to pull this off with a motorhome. He, on the other hand, gets right to the point with this travel book. Problem solved and I'm on the road and debt free now" Cindy previously from the Outer Banks

"Forget Fodors, Lonely Planet and Frommers. All they do is show you pretty staged pictures of places you don't have the time or money to get to. Buy Vanabode and you'll have both the time and the money to go anywhere you want in the United States for months or years at a time" Lee from Nebraska

"I was very skeptical. For example, how do you take a bath while traveling and living out of a van? (he calls his hybrid version Vanaboding) How do you cook? How do you use the bathroom? I bought the book and I have to admit that he does show you numerous, I repeat numerous, simple practical ways to do all of these and more. He tackles the hard stuff head on. I am very satisfied with my purchase of this book. Permission granted to print this" Abigail and Steve from Albany

"This skinny long haired dude delivers the goods with Vanabode! Just joking with the names, remember me from the email saying you looked like a rock star?" Ken Stokes out of San Francisco

"In this age of scams it is really refreshing to have someone honest helping you. He showed me how to avoid unnecessary debt while getting on the road" Mary Ann from Timberton

"Vanabode shows you how to find work while camping out, and how to get out and see America now before you are too old to do anything" name withheld from California

"I've got your book. I've got your plan. This time next year I'll be writing you from Yellowstone"
Sammy in Tucson

"I'm not that creative. Really I'm just a workaholic. This book has shown me how to spend more time with my little boys and wife. He makes it easy with his simple step by step plans" Art from Trenton

"I've always had this fantasy of quitting work and backpacking around. But my legs won't take it and it's not safe. This Vanabode idea is perfect. I am seeing all of the East Coast already. My average daily spend is only $26 a day. I highly recommend you get a copy of this book if you want to go cheap" Heath - Texas

"I like the budget travel info. It's helpful everywhere you want to travel or live" Gerald life-long traveler

"When I read your line 'Vanaboding is about spending time living a fun life rather than spending money trying to buy a fun life' I was stunned. This is exactly what I have been dong for 20 years, trying to earn enough money to buy our family a fun life. Thank you so much for clarifying this and helping me on my way to finally living a fun life. The resources and advice you provide in your book are priceless, at least for me they are." Name withheld

"He really makes travel possible for everyone. . ." Peggy March living in Arizona

"Jason offers up slap your face wake up calls with a sense of humility" Robert reporter for Valley Times

"I follow Edward Hasbrouk's work as one of the most celebrated around the world travel writers of our time. He has been in 40+ countries and all 50 states. When Hasbrouk says the United States has a greater geographic diversity than any other country he knows what he's talking about. And now you can see the United States on a super small budget thanks to this new ebook Vanabode. What "The Practical Nomad" is to travel around the world "Vanabode" is to travel in the United States. What a Godsend!" Italian columnist

"Vanabode isn't just practical get it done information, it is quite inspiring as well" Atlanta Rigors

"This book should be given to every teenager. Instead of wasting their first year of life after school in some by the book college, they could get a real education from traveling America"
anonymous for obvious reasons

"Anybody can make use of this information whether traveling or planning to or dreaming of it" Cubey May

"Filled with information, this is a serious book, worth studying and putting to use" Anna

Vanabode explains quite simply hundreds of ways to preserve your wallet while really enjoying the world" Michael Barton from Amarillo

"The references and resources listed in this book are worth the cover price alone" Candice Milroy

Understanding how to pack, what to bring, what you will need and what you can leave at home, this is really important information to have when planning a long trip like I am. Thanks" Catherine McKinley in Biloxi

"I don't care if you think it will be a year or even 5 years before you can leave on your trip of a lifetime. Get this book NOW so you can plan correctly! I did and it's only been 4 months and I have already tested my van and equipment with three 4 day remote camping trips. It is a lot of fun!". . . Tamara in Maine

"Intelligent insight coupled with a lot of one-of-a-kind information. . ." professional book reviewer

If you are like me and like to do things yourself, your way, then this is the how to get started"
Bob Thomason in Montana

"I don't care what kind of vehicle you use to see America, get this book. He contrasts all kinds of living and traveling strategies from being homeless to being rich, from tractor trailers to backpacking, from houseboats to van camping. You will get the compete picture and when you're done you may be as convinced as I am (and as he is) that this Vanaboding is by far the greatest way to do it all"
Sam Stout in Baja Mexico

"If you want to go anywhere for more than 2 weeks at a time, then you should certainly buy this book"
Peter Arkins, Washington

"This book pays for itself on the first camping trip you take" Ken from Baltimore

"It might sound crazy but this author even tells you how to have great sex when you are in the great outdoors. My husband always wants to when we are camping but it ends up being a mess. I gave him the sex chapter from this book and he is so excited, and now . . . so am I" anonymous in Temecula

"Vanabode has more money saving travel tricks than a coupon cutters convention" Sam in Idaho

"Thank you, this book is Vantastic!! I read it immediately. My husband and I had already started the process of trying to ditch the house but were in limbo about what next. This is a unique option and is along the lines of what I was looking for, nice to have a guideline with all the kinks worked out. . ." Aimee

"Dear Jason I have been wanting for a long time to live on the road. Your website is inspirational and awesome. I have been looking forward to making the jump, to life on the road, and I didn't know where or how to start. Your book is definitely going to be a jump start to a new and different way of life. Thank you so much and happy traveling to both you and your wife." H. Schultz

"After reading Vanabode you just might get inspired to hit the road and live a life of freedom...I know I am excited to do just that! The book makes you realize that it is much more important to create memories with your loved ones than it is to work hard day after day at a job that keeps you just above broke. Best of all, Jason teaches you exactly what to do to achieve this type of life, no matter what your current financial situation. Anyone can do this if they want! This book is full of money-saving tips, and contains an excessive amount of useful information...Basically, all issues of life on the road are addressed. This is definitely the way I want to be able to spend long periods of my life." Lara

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